One day, about a month ago... I was too lazy to reach for my keybo


Messiah 7

One day, I just wanted to log in and check out an agenda entry for my next
day, and my wireless keyboard was, for whatever reason, on the other side of
the room. So from the log in screen, I activated the On Screen Keyboard to
type in my password.

Now, whenever I boot and my desktop loads... there's the OSKb. I have
searched startup programs and services and I can not recognize anything that
tells the OSKb to launch in "msconfig" or even 3rd party start-up apps. But
I just want it to go away. I am not the Windows Guru I once was and since XP
I have been a bit all thumbs when it comes to troubleshooting.

Now I run Vista Ultimate Signature Edition... and feel like someone going
from Gem Desktop (circa. 1989-1992) to OS X Leapord over night. Please help.

Thank you.

Messiah 7

Thank you,
I had no idea that so much information on how to do simple things, and even
the advanced, was so hanidly available. I now feel like I take on the world
(of Vista) with a whole new outlook (on vista). It's like all of the answers
(to Vista) are within my reach (of Vista).
I sincerely mean it, thank you... the tunge and cheek above was merely for
the sake of very fact that despite all of Vista's bells and whistles withing
the OS itself, that I had no idea that a quarter of the operating system
exists On Line.
Again, the information was of great assistance, thank you.

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