One cell takes multiple inputs



I was wondering if there is a simple way to make one cell takes multiple
inputs, essentially turning a cell into a placeholder.



Sheet1!A3 will take arbitrary value from Sheet2!A3 or Sheet3!A3, and
return the answer to Sheet2!A4 and Sheet3!A4, respectively.

If Sheet2!A3=2, then Sheet2!A4=Sheet1!A2=7
If Sheet3!A3=4, then Sheet3!A4=Sheet1!A2=9

Thank You.



Your post has had a lot of views with no response. I can assume that
everyone is like me.... What are you talking about?

This is gibberish!
If Sheet2!A3=2, then Sheet2!A4=Sheet1!A2=7
whew... did Yogi Berra say this? (non-Americans can request an
explanation of this) :)

do you mean...?:

the formula in Sheet2!A4 should be: =IF(Sheet2!A3=2,Sheet1!A2+5,"")


Hi, thanks for the reply. I apologize for the "who knows what you're
talking about". I'm really bad at this stuff. But I hate to dissapoint
you that I'm not an American, so I don't really get the Yogi Berra
joke. Let me see if I can redeem myself so that all American and
non-American can understand what I'm trying to do.

Bare with me. What I'm trying to do is, I would like to set up Sheet1
to be a "subroutine" or "function", if you will. Sheet1!A3 will be the
argument (a placeholder), and Sheet1!A2 will be the equation that gives
me an answer that I can return to other sheets. The problem is, the way
I understand it, Sheet1!A3 can only take one value referenced from
other Sheets, hence Sheet1!A2 can only return one answer, unless I
create tons of duplicate equations. If the equation is A+B, then your
advice would be a great solution. But Sheet1 that I have will involve
reading table data and curve fit solution. So it's not just a simple
equation. I try to avoid custom function or vba cause I think someone
might know a way to do it without doing it the hard way.

The more I explain with my english, the more i have done it


It is true that a cell can only return one value, there is no way to put
two distinct values into one cell. Again, without know what values you
want to return, or where they come from it is hard to give a concise

It is possible a simple VLOOKUP could solve your problem, returning a
value from a table of data based on the value in A3. It could be you
need to pull data from multiple locations to do a calculation
(=sheet2!A3*sheet3!A3), and these can be further enhanced with IF, AND,
OR, SUMPRODUCT... the list goes on. I'll bet if you include some sample
data and examples of expected results, someone may come up with a
solution for you.

Good Luck

By the way..Yogi Berra is a former baseball player/manager for the NY
Yankees, famous for double talk that makes you shake your head and say
"Huh, what did he say...?" Examples: speaking of a famous restaurant
in New York City..."No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded" and
his most famous... "It ain't over til it's over!"



Hi, thank you for your quick response. I have four 4x10 tables where
coefficients are interpolated from. My list selection will determin
which set-of-3 coefficients to use. These coefficients along with othe
calculations will then be used to solved for an answer (A). Answer (A
can be solved without much effort. However, if I need to use answer (A
derived from other input parameters, then I will either have to give u
the initial inputs, or create duplicate but similar procedure. I use
vlookup, index, match, etc. to lookup the table values, and I ca
essentially create a duplicate of the procedure. But, it's Cumbersome
My goal is to try to keep the sheet as lean as possible so it's easy t
track in the future. But I guess the only way to do it is through VB
otherwise I'm afraid most programming language would be put out o

All I know about Yogi Berra is that he was a great American basebal
Thank you very much for your advice. This is a great place to look fo
solution, I might just stumble upon it someday

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