Once again, Intel builds a CPU just for Apple



I guarantee it isn't an infringement of any Apple patent, because
others were there first and Apple can't patent someone else's prior

Light guides are old hat, too. All Apple is doing here is patenting
their specific implementation so nobody else can clone their hardware

I was only refuting Gene's false claim that Apple had "innovated"
backlighted keys. And note, by the way, that these backlighted PC
keyboards are targeted almost exclusively at kids, gamers, and
modders. The general PC market just isn't interested in backlighted
keyboards because most people only use their computers in well-lighted
rooms. For the relative few of us who need to use our laptops in the
dark, a USB light is a far better solution because it also provides
illumination for a scratchpad, notes, books, reference manuals,
sorting through CD's, plugging in cables, etc. There's simply no
reason for laptop manufacturers to bother with backlighted keyboards.

Apple is a somewhat different matter because, as we all know, Apple
users are real suckers for eye candy and artsy-fartsy geegaws. Notice
how Gene drools all over himself at the thought of those kewl backlit

The grapes at the next table are not so sour... you might want to try those.

Synapse Syndrome

Lefty Bigfoot said:
I have a MBP with it, and I don't find it amazing at all. In
fact, I have it set to 0% so it doesn't just waste battery
clicking on/off when you move your hands over the sensors in
normal use in moderately low light conditions.

This guy does not even have a Powerbook, let alone a Macbook. If he did, he
would not be so excited about the keyboard that lights up. It just doesn't
add up.



Synapse Syndrome said:
Yeah, like those are normal laptop features. D'uh..

Why stop with "normal"? I want it to be extraordinaire! It's not
enough that it only has one USB port, it should have FIFTY usb ports!!
Twenty firewire ports! Dual Geforce 8800 Ultra in SLI mode! A 50-hour
battery! 10TB hard drive! A million gigabytes in ram!! Hamsters
rotating on a stick! Anything I can think of that it does not have! It
must have it, because it does not have it. it is essential! We can not
live without fourteen full-length PCI slots and fifty 5" drive bays!
It must have it!

Pffft, thin! It should be 2mm thick! 30" screen! measure only 10x15cm!
Full size keyboard, control pad, joystick, wacom board, gsm phone, 3g
phone, flight yoke and car wheel! It should run of air (hence the
NAME!) and have a built in espresso-maker! If it does not it must be
utter trash! And no one wil buy it!

Tim Murray

i don't work in dark bars, but i do work on my laptop in bed at night
(darker than most bars), and on redeye flights w/o the lights on (darker
than the average bar, brighter than the darkest clubs), and never seem to
need it... can you touch type?

Yeah, I'm fairly fast at the keyboard.

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