On Dirty Question



Does the On Dirty event happen just once per edit?

The reason I ask is because I have a form that has a date field "Last
Edited" that is locked to the user. When a change is made on the form I use
the On Dirty event to run the following code.

Me.txtLastUpdated = Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy")

It works fine,but when I put in a break point at this line of code I and
step through, it appears as though the line of code is repeating many times.
I have about 20 controls on the form and I have hit the F5 button to
continue to the next break point and I keep hitting this break point over
and over.

If I don't have the break point the form comes back to focus right away but
I am still supicious.

Graham Mandeno

The Dirty event is realively new (A2002) and I haven't investigated how
often it is raised. However, I recommend you put your code in the form's
BeforeUpdate event. That way you can be sure it only runs when the record
is updated.

Good Luck!
Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

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