OL 2007 Beta 2 Sync w/ HotSync 6.0.1



I installed Office Pro Plus 2007 Beta 2 yesterday and tried to sync my Treo
650 today and the log said that this version of OL was NOT supported. Is
there going to be something soon for this? Does anyone know a way around
this? Will the Treo 700w sync to OL 2007 B2?

Any help is appreciated as I need sync to my Treo. Yes, I know it is a
beta, but I am certain is must be addressed soon. :)

Roady [MVP]

That is not up to Microsoft. Palm will have to update there software/add-ins
to work with Outlook 2007. Contact Palm instead.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

I installed Office Pro Plus 2007 Beta 2 yesterday and tried to sync my Treo
650 today and the log said that this version of OL was NOT supported. Is
there going to be something soon for this? Does anyone know a way around
this? Will the Treo 700w sync to OL 2007 B2?

Any help is appreciated as I need sync to my Treo. Yes, I know it is a
beta, but I am certain is must be addressed soon. :)


Hi Ron,

I have a Treo 650 as well, although I use KeySuites as my program to access
to the Outlook databases. I had no problems syncing the Treo w/ HotSync v.



I have the same problem (trying to sync with a Treo 650). I was using Office
2007 Beta 1 and ended up going back to Office 2003 partly because of this

I have an idea about a possible solution but I'm not technically savvy
enough to figure out how to implement it. Here it is in case anyone can

The message I get when trying to sync basically just says that Palm only
supports certain versions of Office since 2000. My guess is that this was
intended to "backwards protect" and keep people from trying to sync with
earlier versions of Office. I wonder if there's anything that technically
needs to change- or if Hot Sync is just identifying a non-compliant version
and shutting down the process.

Using IE 7 one runs into similar problems. For example the TurboTax site
won't work unless you run a registry fix that says you are really running IE
6. Once you do that- it works fine. So there's nothing fundamentally wrong
with IE7- it's just the site trying to block aberrant versions.

Any ideas how we could accomplish the same with the Palm Conduit?


I just went through the same thing with Office 2007 and my Treo 650. Chapura
makes Pocket Mirror for synching the Palm devices.
For $29 it works with the Treo 650. It's a really easy install and it will
pick up the settings from your current sync software. There is a trial
version on the chapura site so you can test it first.

Ron Cichowski

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