Office Developer - Access 2000 run-time


Wayne Pearson


I have an Access 2000 MDE for which I wish to create and distribute a
run-time. I understand that one uses Microsoft Office 2000 Developer to
create this run-time but I'm having a LOT of trouble trying to source it.

Can anyone direct me to where a copy of Microsoft Office 2000 Developer may
be purchased?

Does Microsoft Office Developer XP enable one to create a distributable
run-time that is compatible with an Access 2000 MDE?


Wayne Pearson

Fred Boer

Dear Wayne:

This link might help: .
Here is some information from Microsoft
I use the Office XP Developer Edition (Access 2002). I believe it is
necessary to convert an Access 2000 mdb to the Access 2002 format in order
to create an Access 2002 MDE using Office XP Developer Edition (Access
2002). In other words, Access 2002 can create an Access 2002 MDE from an
Access 2000 mdb, but it cannot create an Access 2000 MDE...

HTH! Good luck!
Fred Boer

Wayne Pearson


Sorry I wasn't a bit more clear on my previous question.

I already have an Access 2000 MDE and I was wondering if it could packaged
and distributed using Microsoft Office XP Developer (ie can my Access 2000
MDE be executed using the run-time that comes with Microsoft Office XP


Wayne Pearson

Fred Boer


Oh, sorry to have misinterpreted you. I *think* you can, but I don't know
for certain and I'd rather not guess. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable
might jump in?


Tony Toews

Wayne Pearson said:
I already have an Access 2000 MDE and I was wondering if it could packaged
and distributed using Microsoft Office XP Developer (ie can my Access 2000
MDE be executed using the run-time that comes with Microsoft Office XP

Access 2002 can execute an A2000 MDE. A2003 can execute an A2002 and
A2000 MDE. So yes the runtime should work just fine. You will have
to run the MDE from within Office XP Developer and then run the P&D

Note that I'm not 100% sure this will work as I haven't tried it

But then that's what VirtualPC and VMWare are for. Testing runtime
installs. <smile>

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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