Office 2007 couple export questions



I am attempting to supress two thing when running a macro to export a file to
the pc

1) The macro run an ODBC linked report and it prompts for a username &
This used to happen once only on my original copy of office 2007, It seemed
to remember the username password box therefore not ask the user again?
Is there a secuity setting to remember it?

2) I am sending files by the same name to the same area of the pc everyday ,
how can I force overwrite the original file??




1. You can save the password at the time you select the table for linking
(find the checkbox at the bottom right of the dialog where you choose the
tables you want tlink)

2. You can check to see if it exists and delete it if it does:

If Dir("YourFilePathAndFileNameHere") <> "" Then
Kill "YourFilePathAndFileNameHere"
End If

Bob Larson
Access MVP
Access World Forums Administrator
Utter Access VIP

Tutorials at



Thanks Bob,

I will give that a go



boblarson said:
1. You can save the password at the time you select the table for linking
(find the checkbox at the bottom right of the dialog where you choose the
tables you want tlink)

2. You can check to see if it exists and delete it if it does:

If Dir("YourFilePathAndFileNameHere") <> "" Then
Kill "YourFilePathAndFileNameHere"
End If

Bob Larson
Access MVP
Access World Forums Administrator
Utter Access VIP

Tutorials at


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