Office 2003 Small Biz Edition compressed packs?


Gordon J. Rattray

Hi there,

I think Microsoft stores compressed versions of different Office suites somewhere. I've looked and can't find them.

The reason is a client's Dell machine crashed and he paid for the license keycode but the software was pre-installed on a 60 day trial, then he purchased it and got the keycode. So, there never was a CD install disc involved.

We'd like to download the suite from where ever it may be stored.

Any ideas?




Hi there,

I think Microsoft stores compressed versions of different Office suites
somewhere. I've looked and can't find them.

The reason is a client's Dell machine crashed and he paid for the license
keycode but the software was pre-installed on a 60 day trial, then he
purchased it and got the keycode. So, there never was a CD install disc

We'd like to download the suite from where ever it may be stored.

Any ideas?

Hi Gordon,

Does your client know that you don't quite seem to be aware of the
difference between an operating system and an application? Why else would
you post an MS Office (=application) question in a Windows XP (=operating
system) forum? Try asking the boys in an MS office newsgroup - there are
dozens of them!


There wasnt an install disk, because your client chose not to pay extra for
it, but there was a downloaded installation file.
MS doesnt store old versions available for all and sundry, you may have
access to such files if you are reigistered with MS and pay the appropriate
annual fee - I'll leave you to work that one out :)

Hi there,

I think Microsoft stores compressed versions of different Office suites
somewhere. I've looked and can't find them.

The reason is a client's Dell machine crashed and he paid for the license
keycode but the software was pre-installed on a 60 day trial, then he
purchased it and got the keycode. So, there never was a CD install disc

We'd like to download the suite from where ever it may be stored.

Any ideas?



Gord Dibben

You think incorrectly.

MS does not store compressed versions of Office Suites for download.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Gord Dibben

On second thought...............

Maybe you're thinking of ISO images which are available for download through

You would need a subscription to MSDN in order to access downloads of Office
ISO images.

Quite costly...........more than the Office Suite retail, I'm thinking.



Gord said:
You think incorrectly.

MS does not store compressed versions of Office Suites for download.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

The laptop originally shipped with OS and cruftware. A copy of
the same, should be in the recovery partition on the hard drive.
A copy of the same stuff, may be on a recovery CD, burned by the
owner of the laptop soon after taking delivery. Or, in cases
where people didn't do that, the recovery CDs or media could be
purchased from the laptop manufacturer.

Looking in the KB, I see mention of repair via the "MSOCache" folder.
Not that I'd want to look in there, but it did suggest something
of value is stored in there. Cabinet files and the like.

I thought as well, there was a contact at Microsoft for media
replacement. So that would be another option.

So there must be some option, short of BitTorrent and some
kind of cracked copy.


Gordon J. Rattray

Damn! Now the client calls and says he found his Office CD! After putting me and all of you through the %^$%@ rigamarole, ha...


Paul said:
You think incorrectly.

MS does not store compressed versions of Office Suites for download.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

The laptop originally shipped with OS and cruftware. A copy of
the same, should be in the recovery partition on the hard drive.
A copy of the same stuff, may be on a recovery CD, burned by the
owner of the laptop soon after taking delivery. Or, in cases
where people didn't do that, the recovery CDs or media could be
purchased from the laptop manufacturer.

Looking in the KB, I see mention of repair via the "MSOCache" folder.
Not that I'd want to look in there, but it did suggest something
of value is stored in there. Cabinet files and the like.

I thought as well, there was a contact at Microsoft for media
replacement. So that would be another option.

So there must be some option, short of BitTorrent and some
kind of cracked copy.


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