Office 2003 - no new mail notification.


Chris Palmer

I am having an issue with Office 2003 when used an
Exchange 2000 client and I have reproduced it on 3
different machines already.

I have subfolders under my inbox and several server side
rules setup that move messages from certain people into
their respective subfolder. With Outlook 2000 and Outlook
XP when a message arrived in one of these subfolders I
would get the new mail notification pop up, without issue.

Using Outlook 2003 however the only time I get the new
mail notification pop up is if a message arrives in my
inbox. If a message arrives and is directed to one of the
inbox subfolders the folder is shown bold and with mail in
it but I do not receive any notification. So unless I
have Outlook 2003 in the foreground I do not know new mail
has arrived until I go to it. I have tried it on a
Windows 2000 Pro SP4 machine which had never had Office
installed prior, a Windows XP Pro machine, and a test
Windows 2003 Server, all three exhibt the same behavior.

I had the same issue when I had tried it during it's beta
tests but assumed it was an issue with that release. But
now it's happening with the final code. Anyone else have
this issue?

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

It's by design. Add a condition to your rule to display a desktop alert.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***

Chris Palmer

Thank you for your reply. While disappointed the change
was by design I'm glad I finally have the answer.

Thank you,

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