Office 2003 integration - Great Plains



Hello All,
Hopefully I've got the right newsgroup here.
I've set up MS Office integration with Great Plains and am attempting to
import Great Plains data into an Excel spreadsheet (MS Office 2003) using the
Data Connection Wizard.

Keep on getting the following error:
The server for the data source returned a non-specific error when trying to
execute your query...

Already gone through the initial set up of Office integration on my web
server etc.

Any direction/resource locations would be appreciated,


Hey Rob,
I never have had an easy time attempting to import my Great Plains data into
excel. I have always just resorted to highlighting the report I want ,
coping, and doing a text to column in excel. It works but it can be more time
consuming than is probably necessary. I have asked the all the guys at
GP(ESI) but they say that is all I can do.
I am interested to now also if anyone has any other tips. Jennifer


Hello Jen,

I haven't had much luck with the newsgroups or research on this yet.
Probably be giving MS a shout soon to see if they can sort it out for me.
Will post a response here if I have any news!

BTW, I have been successful in using Office 2003 integration with the Great
Plains Sharepoint template. Very promising stuff, something you may want to
try out.
Still have a few questions/bugs though.

Will post again soon,



If you don't mind sharing a bit more, what type of info are you trying
to export out of GP? Is it GL?

I use either the Smartlist feature or FRx and they work fine. I try to
use FRx for much of my reporting, and the Excel interface work ok.




Not sure familiar with FRx. Haven't seen that in GP Feed software. Maybe
missing it. Thanks for the help. Jennifer


We build these integrations all the time. Send contact information to
(e-mail address removed) in interested in discussing further.

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