office 2000



when we bought our computer, it came with 2 office 2000
discs. I tried to install them and had no problem with the
first disc. But on the second disc it is asking me for a
25 character cd key. I contacted the person I bought it
from and he said to look on the directory. He said how to
do this, but between A & B, I have forgotten what he said.
I can't get ahold of him to ask again. Does anyone know
what he's talking about? thanks

George Hester

I believe the CD-Key is only necessary on Disk 1 of the Microsoft Office 2000 installation set up. If you got two that implies you have the Small Business version. If CD-2 is asking for a CD-Key did you try the one you used for CD-1?

But the op said he got an internal error. That can happen for a variety of reasons. One being that the Windows Installer Cleanup tool was used BEFORE the appropriate Office CD was uninstalled through Add\Remove. That can cause an internal error upon trying to reinstall the application.

You might try to uninstall Microsoft Office 2000 using add\remove. Dp nothing else besides that. Both CD-1 and CD-2. Then try the Windows Installer Cleanup tool. There is a clean-up tool for both CD1 and CD2. But if you have removed using Add\Remove the Windows Installer cleanup tool should be sufficient.;en-us;238413;en-us;304429

(Internal Error 2203);en-us;296056

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