ODBC Select Data Source



I have users who generate ODBC queries in Excel 2000 using syste

I have system dsn's set up which are pointing to the same databases a
the users. However, due to the fact that I do not have the system DN
set up word for word as the users dsn I get the error message:

[Microsoft][ODBC MANAGER] Data source name not found and no defaul
driver specified.

My problem is that I cannot select the DSN's that I already have i
place to run the ODBC query.

I have seen on someone else's PC that they are able to right click ove
the odbc query an option to select data sorce appears.

This then launches the "Select Data Source" dialog box.

I have checked all the usual places to see if the ODBC drivers an
Excel settings are the same and connot see any differences.

Can anybody please help on this?



There are approx. 30 users (accross Europe) who can name their odb
connections in many different ways.

It would be a nightmare to create an odbc everytime they generate a ne

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