ODBC Error 3423



I am attempting to connect two access 2000 DBs using ODBC. One is on my PC
and the other is on a server within our companies intranet. I have created a
System DSN and I am getting the follow error when trying to link to the DB.

Error Mgs:

You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft
Jet or ISAM database table to your database. (Error 3423)

In the research I have done I found that this is by design. You can not use
ODBC to link two access DBs.

Is this correct?

If so how can I set this up? The DB on the server is used as a back end for
a small web app. I have ONE user that needs to make up dates to one table. I
was going to set up a form for this, linking the table with through an ODBC

Is there a way to do this?


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