ODBC connection string for make-table query (Access 97)


Mr B

Hi guys,

Was just wondering if someone could lend a hand with a few problems im
having on my Access 97 database. My database makes an ODBC connection
to a back-end DB2 database and I use make-table and append queries on
ODBC Linked tables.

I'd like the user to not have to enter the connection details every
time a query is ran (Database name and password)
I have seen examples for pass-through queries, where on the query
properties a ODBC connect string is specified or a wizard is ran...but
for whatever reason on mine the only fields that bear resemblance are a
'source connect str' and 'dest connect str'??

I would also like to turn the database to be more of an application if
this is possible? As in users can't view design mode on forms and just
see the forms and nothing else??

Thanks for your time



1. You could link the DB2 tables with a trusted connection (which I do not
recommend) if the network is entirely internal and secure. The user should
only have to enter the db name and password once during a session which is
more secure.
2. Make your main menu the start up form and hide the database window. The
user can still right click on a form to enter design mode but is less likely
to do this. To prevent any design, you need to create an MDE file; but make
sure you keep a copy of the mdb file.

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