Object reference not set...


Amy Snyder

I have the following sub that is called to load a data grid. It works
without a problem until I uncomment the dv.sort line. When I uncomment
the line I get the error: Object reference not set to an instance of an
object. The error is pointing to that line. What am I doing wrong?

Public Sub LoadGrid()
Dim ds As New Data.DataSet
Dim dv As New Data.DataView
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL ="my sql statement"

ds = DataHandler.GetDataSet(strSQL,
dv = CType(ds, DataSet).Tables(0).DefaultView

'dv.Sort = Session("Sort").ToString & " " &

dg.DataSource = dv

lblLegend.Visible = True

End Sub


Amy -

You need to do a nothing (null) check on those before you can use them to make sure they are not null.

For instance:

If Not IsNothing(Session("Sort")) then
' this one is okay
' take some measures
end if

If Not IsNothing(Session("SortDirection"))
' this one is also okay
' take some measures
end if

Now they should be good to go.

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