Object reference not set to an instance of an object :(



I am looping the grid rows to set the values in the dropdownlists. I keep
getting a run time error "Object reference not set to an instance of an
object." The error occurs on line where it says liitem=
dp.items.findbyvalues(st). I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I included
my codes so someone can point out my mistake. Thanks.

Private Sub reset_values()
Dim i As Long
Dim dp As DropDownList

Dim intIndex As Int32
Dim liItem As ListItem

Dim st As String

For i = 0 To grdAct.Items.Count - 1
dp = CType(grdAct.FindControl("dpl"), DropDownList)
st = grdAct.Items(i).Cells(5).Text

liItem = dp.Items.FindByValue(st) ( error occurs on this line )
intIndex = dp.Items.IndexOf(liItem)
dp.SelectedIndex = intIndex

End Sub

Chris, Master of All Things Insignificant

I think the following code will solve your issue. Why st is returning
"nothing" I can not help you with.

Private Sub reset_values()
Dim i As Long
Dim dp As DropDownList

Dim intIndex As Int32
Dim liItem As ListItem

Dim st As String

For i = 0 To grdAct.Items.Count - 1
dp = CType(grdAct.FindControl("dpl"), DropDownList)
st = grdAct.Items(i).Cells(5).Text

if not st is nothing then
'st is value, go ahead and do it
liItem = dp.Items.FindByValue(st) ( error occurs on this
line )
intIndex = dp.Items.IndexOf(liItem)
dp.SelectedIndex = intIndex
'For some reason grdAct.Items(i).Cells(5).Text
'returns nothing
end if


That did not work. The st is never empy. I think somthig is wrong with dp

Chris Dunaway

You should use similar code to what Chris posted to check the dp
variable as well.

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