Numbers & text in same cell - conditional formatting



Hi All,
The following formula will count the number of times 'test' appears in the
range and display that total number with the word 'test' I.E. "5 test"

=COUNTIF($E$8:$E$68,"test")&" test"
There are another 7 similar formulas in adjacent cells (A3:B6)
How can I get conditional formatting to identify the number and format the
cell as I would like? This is the formula I'm using for cf:


I am not completely sure what you are trying to do, but, I think you
may find it easier to work with the conditional formatting if you do
not include the &$" test" as part of your formula. You can get the
word "test" to show up in cells A3:B6 with a custom number formula
like "0 \t\e\s\t". The custom number formula does not preclude the
use of a conditional format statement to manipulate the font, pattern,
color etc. and the condition will probably be easier to deal with
without the text appended via formula.
Good luck.


Hi Jock,

I presume you have 8 different words in column E (of which "test" is
one), and you want to count up how many each one occurs and display
the count in A3:B6 (why not A3:A10 ?). Then you want to highlight the
word in column E which occurs most often, wherever it occurs? Is this
the case?



Yes, that's more or less it, Pete.
There are 8 options in E from a drop down list. As I am limited for space, I
was trying to combune the count of a specific word AND the actual word itself
in one cell and highlight the word which appeared the most in red. Space
limitations also stop me from using A3:A10.


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