Number Lock upon Reboot

  • Thread starter F. Lawrence Kulchar
  • Start date

F. Lawrence Kulchar

I know there is a way to have the Number Lock automatically turn on when
booting up the computer.

My computer, presently, needs me to manually turn it on at the keyboard
whenever I reboot the computer.

Is there a way to override this need to manually enable the Number Lock?



I know there is a way to have the Number Lock automatically turn on when
booting up the computer.

My computer, presently, needs me to manually turn it on at the keyboard
whenever I reboot the computer.

Is there a way to override this need to manually enable the Number Lock?


If you're familiar with the registry, this is an easy fix. I set up
new pcs at work all the time and make this change. If you don't know
how to use the registry, please have a knowledgeable person do this
for you.

Go to:

HKey-Users\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators

Change the value from 0 to 2.


I know there is a way to have the Number Lock automatically turn on when
booting up the computer.

My computer, presently, needs me to manually turn it on at the keyboard
whenever I reboot the computer.

Is there a way to override this need to manually enable the Number Lock?

You already asked this four hours ago. Did you bother to look at the
replies before you driveled out you request again?

Impatience is not well regarded or well rewarded in USENET.

Bruce Chambers

F. Lawrence Kulchar said:
I know there is a way to have the Number Lock automatically turn on when
booting up the computer.

My computer, presently, needs me to manually turn it on at the keyboard
whenever I reboot the computer.

Is there a way to override this need to manually enable the Number Lock?


By default, the NumLock key is turned off as WinXP starts, and
keeps it off until someone logs in and initializes a user profile. WinXP
will remember the NumLock's last state, meaning that if you log out with
the NumLock on, it will automatically turn on the next time you log in;
If you log out with the NumLock off, it will be off the next time you
log in.

If one needs the NumLock on _before_ logging in, a registry edit
can be used to change WinXP's default behavior:

How to Set the NUM LOCK State at Logon in Windows XP;en-us;314879


Bruce Chambers

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