Number Conversion



If I receive this number, 268435457801266887, in e-mail and paste it into
Excel, I get this: 2.68435E+17. If I then go into Format Cells and change it
from General to Number (no decimals), I get this: 268435457801266000

Is there a way I can actually get those last three zeroes to be the actual
numbers (887 in this case)?

Thank you.

Gary''s Student

Do not paste into a cell.

Copy from the email
Click in the formula bar directly
Enter an apostrophe (sinlge quote)
Then CNTRL-v

This will allow you to capture ALL the digits


Excel only maintains up to 15 digits of precision in a number. You
will have to consider that as text if you want to retain all the
digits. Pre-format the cell as text before pasting.

Hope this helps.



Perfect! Thank you!

Gary''s Student said:
Do not paste into a cell.

Copy from the email
Click in the formula bar directly
Enter an apostrophe (sinlge quote)
Then CNTRL-v

This will allow you to capture ALL the digits

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