Null in Insert Statement



I am getting an error statement when i try to insert a null field into a
query I have used some of the other posts to come up with the code, but it
still isnt working. Any help you can provide would be great.

SQL = "INSERT INTO qryCompanyInvolvements (CompanyID, CategoryID, Priority)
VALUES (" & Me.Parent.CompanyID & ", 1, " & IIf(IsNull(Me!cmbACMPriority),
Null, Me!cmbACMPriority) & ");"




I think the problem is that you are trying to insert a Null value which, by
definition, cannot exist so cannot be manipulated/inserted.

Presumably, you just want the field to hold a 'nothing' value so why not use
an empty string - "".

Try: SQL = "INSERT INTO qryCompanyInvolvements (CompanyID, CategoryID,
Priority) VALUES (" & Me.Parent.CompanyID & ", 1, " &
IIf(IsNull(Me!cmbACMPriority), '"''", Me!cmbACMPriority) & ");"

Note that "''" is, exagerated, " ' ' " .




Thanks it helped with my first problem, but now i have a asecond one. I used
the code in a similar spot. It says that it won't update because of a type
conversion failure. However when i check the table to see if the record has
been changed, it has. I didn't want to disable the warnings for this,
because i would like to alert the user that they are about to change this

SQL = "UPDATE tblCompanyInvolvements SET tblCompanyInvolvements.Priority = "
& IIf(IsNull(Me!cmbFSPriority), "''", Me!cmbFSPriority) & " WHERE
(((tblCompanyInvolvements.CompanyID)=" & Me.Parent.CompanyID & ") AND

Thanks again for all of your help.


Different field type require different handeling in the SQL

Date - #
SQL = "Update TableName Set DateFieldName = #" & Variable & "#"

String - '
SQL = "Update TableName Set StringFieldName = '" & Variable & "'"

Number - Nuthing
SQL = "Update TableName Set DateFieldName = " & Variable

What is the type of the fields in your table?
If Priority is string the try

SQL = "UPDATE tblCompanyInvolvements SET tblCompanyInvolvements.Priority =
'" & IIf(IsNull(Me!cmbFSPriority), Null, Me!cmbFSPriority) & "' WHERE
(((tblCompanyInvolvements.CompanyID)=" & Me.Parent.CompanyID & ") AND

John Spencer

Remember you are building an SQL string. So try putting quotes around
NULL so it will be seen as NULL

SQL = "INSERT INTO qryCompanyInvolvements (CompanyID, CategoryID, Priority)
VALUES (" & Me.Parent.CompanyID & ", 1, " & IIf(IsNull(Me!cmbACMPriority),
"Null", Me!cmbACMPriority) & ");"

So the string will end up looking like the following, if cmbACMPriority
is Null and companyID is 32.

INSERT INTO qryCompanyInvolvements (CompanyID, CategoryID, Priority)
VALUES (32, 1, Null)

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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