NTVDM Environment Destroyed by Program Installation



Some time ago I discovered that some activity that I was doing was destroying
my NTVDM environment which meant that no 16 Bit programs would run following
a certain event on my computer. This was very frustrating to me and it meant
that I had to rebuild my whole computer setup to overcome this - As far as I
was concerned there was no work around that I could either find nor could
anyone else assist me.
Finally I discovered the cause on my machine which may interest other people
with the same problem - The installation of McAfee Privacy Service destroyed
the ability of the machine to run any 16 Bit program. It wasn't the actual
installation which caused the problem but the Re-Boot which has to follow the
installation to finalise it. I have advised McAfee of this but they did not
seem very interested. It caused me probably 40 hours of my time to discover
this and I thought others might be interested. De-Installing the Privacy
Service does not fix the problem - You have to reset your system to a time
prior to the installation and not attempt to install it again - A real trap
for new beginners!! As far as I am concerned the other 3 modules of McAfee
work just fine.There are many posts to do with this so this may assist you

Richard Urban

Thank you for this feed back! This is what the news groups are all about -
helping others. I am sure that there are many in your situation.

A few years ago I found that by installing Winfax Pro 10.02, "after" having
installed Office 2000, that the Office install would break - every single
time. I told people to install Winfax first and reboot - then install
Office 2000.

I remember a fellow asking me how in the world I was ever able to determine
this. I told him from many hours of detective work and about 15 clean
format/installs of the operating system. He was incredulous that someone
would spend this amount of time in tracking down a problem.

Again, good work!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

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