ntldr missing


John Inzer

basheer said:
missing hal.dll file.how can copy this file to system32 folder?
Maybe the following links will offer some ideas:

Langa Letter: XP's Little-Known 'Rebuild' Command

Windows XP Setup - Missing HAL.DLL


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


missing hal.dll file.how can copy this file to system32 folder?

You don't.

Did you have a power interruption, aborted restart or improper
shutdown prior to the issue?

The message is misleading and usually an indiation of an issue with
the c:\boot.ini file. It is somehow broken and needs to be repaired
or replaced. This is generally a simple procedure.

You will not get far without booting the XP Recovery Console. This
will require a genuine bootable Windows installation CD (not the same
as a system CD or recovery CD that may have come with a store bought
system) or a bootable Recovery Console CD that you can create on a
working system and then use it to fix the afflicted system (no XP
media required).

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