NTBACKUP Error - Please HELP




I have mapped two drives on my backup server to a file
server. I use NTBACKUp to backup the data from the
FileServer. After backing up some data the backup aborts
with the following error .. "The network disk drive has
stopped responding. Backup set aborted." When I Check the
network drives all of them are accessible. Can someone
please tell me as to what has caused the problem....? No
help was available from MS Support site and KB Articles.

Thanks in advance,

Jerold Schulman


I have mapped two drives on my backup server to a file
server. I use NTBACKUp to backup the data from the
FileServer. After backing up some data the backup aborts
with the following error .. "The network disk drive has
stopped responding. Backup set aborted." When I Check the
network drives all of them are accessible. Can someone
please tell me as to what has caused the problem....? No
help was available from MS Support site and KB Articles.

Thanks in advance,
Have you applied SP4 yet. If not, do it on both servers.

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.



Both the machines are running with SP4. This looks like
some Network issue maybe with regards to MTU Setting or
so. Please Help,

Thanks and Regards
-----Original Message-----

Ray Bush [MSFT]

Backing up data via mapped drives is supported. Do the event logs (system
aand application) show any networking errors duing the time backups are
being created? What about your nework. Is it saturated with traffic?

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