Notes page setup



I need to format note printouts a certain way, but for some reason
having great difficulty in doing so.

I need the slides to appear as the main slide taking up most of the
page, a box that says "notes:" below that, and the actual notes to the
right of the slide. I was given an example presentation to use, and I
can't reproduce it in the Master. I've tried different things such as
directly pasting to the master and copying the new slides to the
example (which is strange, because it does the right formatting except
when there actually are notes), and although I can get the "notes:" box
to appear, the notes themselves always print below the slide instead of
to the right. The master shows that they should appear on the right,
and I've gotten rid of anything that would make me think that they
would print below the slide.

Any help for this would be greatly appreciated!

Michael Koerner

Once you made changes to the Notes Master, save the file as a template file
(.POT)? Then you can apply that master to other presentations.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

|I need to format note printouts a certain way, but for some reason
| having great difficulty in doing so.
| I need the slides to appear as the main slide taking up most of the
| page, a box that says "notes:" below that, and the actual notes to the
| right of the slide. I was given an example presentation to use, and I
| can't reproduce it in the Master. I've tried different things such as
| directly pasting to the master and copying the new slides to the
| example (which is strange, because it does the right formatting except
| when there actually are notes), and although I can get the "notes:" box
| to appear, the notes themselves always print below the slide instead of
| to the right. The master shows that they should appear on the right,
| and I've gotten rid of anything that would make me think that they
| would print below the slide.
| Any help for this would be greatly appreciated!


I tried saving the original as a template, but it didn't seem to bring
over the notes master along. Is there a special way to save the
template to also bring the master?

Michael Koerner

Once you have finished editing the Master Notes, close the master then save
as a Template (.pot) file. PowerPoint will put it into the correct folder.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

|I tried saving the original as a template, but it didn't seem to bring
| over the notes master along. Is there a special way to save the
| template to also bring the master?


No effect. It brings the graphics and design of the slides over, but
when I use the template it still reverts to the default notes master.

I'm using Powerpoint 2003, if there's any relevance

Michael Koerner

I'm using 2003, and it works just fine on my machine. If you could tell me
the steps your taking to Edit and Save the Notes Master

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| No effect. It brings the graphics and design of the slides over, but
| when I use the template it still reverts to the default notes master.
| I'm using Powerpoint 2003, if there's any relevance


I'm taking the original presentation (with the correct master already
set up), going to Save As, then changing type as Design Template. I
then apply the template to the presentation that I'm working on,
everything else seems to shift fine, but it still uses the old master.
I've even tried making a new presentation with the template, and get
the default master.

Michael Koerner

Sounds like your doing it all correctly. Is your PowerPoint 2003 up to date
with all the latest patches.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| I'm taking the original presentation (with the correct master already
| set up), going to Save As, then changing type as Design Template. I
| then apply the template to the presentation that I'm working on,
| everything else seems to shift fine, but it still uses the old master.
| I've even tried making a new presentation with the template, and get
| the default master.


Far as I know, even if it wasn't I wouldn't be able to update it since
it's a networked PC.

I suppose that my only option is to reproduce the master as best as I
can for all future presentations. Ah well, thanks for the help!

Michael Koerner

I take that back. I re read your original post, and do not think you can do
what you are wanting to do

You said "I need the slides to appear as the main slide taking up most of
the page, " This is the default layout for the notes pages The page is
formatted in an 8.5x11 page. I don't see how you can have the text to the
right of the slide unless you reduce the size of the slide layout and move
the text layout box to it's right. When you go into View Master, you are
selecting Notes Master as the one you want to edit.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Sounds like your doing it all correctly. Is your PowerPoint 2003 up to
| with all the latest patches.
| --
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| Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]
| || I'm taking the original presentation (with the correct master already
|| set up), going to Save As, then changing type as Design Template. I
|| then apply the template to the presentation that I'm working on,
|| everything else seems to shift fine, but it still uses the old master.
|| I've even tried making a new presentation with the template, and get
|| the default master.


Yeah, the slide needs to be rearranged a bit, when I mean 'most of the
page' I just mean the majority of the page in a readable format, not
the default view (also printed as landscape).

Anyway, oddly enough, I tried to see if it would work on a different
computer and for some reason I can now transfer the master over without
any problems. I guess it was a problem with the computer, must be some
odd settings on it or something.

I probably should have tried that to begin with, would have saved me a
lot of frustration! Anyway, thanks for all your help! In the end, I
guess the solutions did work.

Steve Rindsberg

DGyrich said:
No effect. It brings the graphics and design of the slides over, but
when I use the template it still reverts to the default notes master.

Dumb question, maybe, but have you *specifically* done View, Master, Notes
Master and made your changes there?

Unless you do this , it won't work.

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