notepad.exe in c:\windows replaced



I had replaced notepad.exe with notepad+ in both c:\windows &
c:\windows\system32 after renaming the original xp version in

There are no other occurrances found by the search even tho
c:\windows\prefetch sortof has the notepad.exe with a ".pf"

Now, how does xp w/sp1 replace the notepad+ with the original
xp notepad.exe ????!!!!???? after a reboot or shutdown & bootup
the next day or hours later???

The renamed notepad was "notepad.exe.xp" & I have now renamed it
as "notepad-xp.exe".

Is the "problem" that I copied notepad+ over(replacing) the xp
notepad in c:\windows? May have to try to deleting the notepad
prefetch file & also deleting notepad in c:\windows before copying

What the h*** is xp doing & where is xp getting the original
xp notepad file??


On 9/15/2005 2:44 PM On a whim, pounded out on the
I had replaced notepad.exe with notepad+ in both c:\windows &
c:\windows\system32 after renaming the original xp version in

There are no other occurrances found by the search even tho
c:\windows\prefetch sortof has the notepad.exe with a ".pf"

Now, how does xp w/sp1 replace the notepad+ with the original
xp notepad.exe ????!!!!???? after a reboot or shutdown & bootup
the next day or hours later???

The renamed notepad was "notepad.exe.xp" & I have now renamed it
as "notepad-xp.exe".

Is the "problem" that I copied notepad+ over(replacing) the xp
notepad in c:\windows? May have to try to deleting the notepad
prefetch file & also deleting notepad in c:\windows before copying

What the h*** is xp doing & where is xp getting the original
xp notepad file??

File Protection. Windows is trying to help you thinking another program
did this. I would do it another way. Just change the file types you want
to open notepad+ instead of notepad (In Explorer, Tools, Folder Options,
File Types tab). NP+ probably has settings in its preferences to do that
for you.


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On 9/15/2005 2:44 PM On a whim, pounded out on the

File Protection. Windows is trying to help you thinking another program
did this. I would do it another way. Just change the file types you want
to open notepad+ instead of notepad (In Explorer, Tools, Folder Options,
File Types tab). NP+ probably has settings in its preferences to do that
for you.

I tried deleting notepad.exe in C:\windows xp "deleted" & xp said ok;
did a dir & notepad was gone....BUT a few seconds later, xp put
the xp notepad back again in place again.

The interesting thing is that when I type "notepad" NP+ comes up
so that the notepad executed is the NP+ in c:\windows\system32
where NP+ is named notepad.exe.

I'll leave it alone for now as another m$ gestapo action.


I had replaced notepad.exe with notepad+ in both c:\windows &
c:\windows\system32 after renaming the original xp version in

There are no other occurrances found by the search even tho
c:\windows\prefetch sortof has the notepad.exe with a ".pf"

Now, how does xp w/sp1 replace the notepad+ with the original
xp notepad.exe ????!!!!???? after a reboot or shutdown & bootup
the next day or hours later???

The renamed notepad was "notepad.exe.xp" & I have now renamed it
as "notepad-xp.exe".

Is the "problem" that I copied notepad+ over(replacing) the xp
notepad in c:\windows? May have to try to deleting the notepad
prefetch file & also deleting notepad in c:\windows before copying

What the h*** is xp doing & where is xp getting the original
xp notepad file??
C:\i386 ?


C:\i386 ?
There is no c:\i386 on my system. When I did a "del notepad.exe",
xp claims that it was done & doing a "dir note*" shows notepad
is gone from c:\windows. However, after a few seconds, notepad.exe
returns into c:\windows from somewhere not discernable on the
harddrive. This was verified when using xp's search to search
the harddrive & xp's search function "couldn't" find it or it
won't report it as per m$'s trojan methodology.


I had replaced notepad.exe with notepad+ in both c:\windows &
c:\windows\system32 after renaming the original xp version in

There are no other occurrances found by the search even tho
c:\windows\prefetch sortof has the notepad.exe with a ".pf"

Now, how does xp w/sp1 replace the notepad+ with the original
xp notepad.exe ????!!!!???? after a reboot or shutdown & bootup
the next day or hours later???

The renamed notepad was "notepad.exe.xp" & I have now renamed it
as "notepad-xp.exe".

Is the "problem" that I copied notepad+ over(replacing) the xp
notepad in c:\windows? May have to try to deleting the notepad
prefetch file & also deleting notepad in c:\windows before copying

What the h*** is xp doing & where is xp getting the original
xp notepad file??

Delete the SHORTCUT to Notepad
Add a shortcut to Notepad+
Change the file associations to Notepad+
Ignore Notepad

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