Not sure if count is the correct formula... Excel 2002



I have a formula that I use for every job I complete that is inserted into
the "Time" column, and above this I have "Jobs" basically count the number of
Jobs I have completed for the week =COUNTA(F6:F47), however since I have
added the new formula to the "Time" cells it is counting all of them, how do
I resolve this issue


What is in column F? Are they formulas in which some return blank? When
using COUNTA, even if a cell appears blank but has a formula in it, it will
get counted. If that is the case, then you might consider using SUMPRODUCT.


If this is not what you're doing, post an example of your data and



Paul thank you for your quick response, its not exactly what I am doing, so I
have "Jobs" counting a different column to give me the same results


Thank you Paul. Your sting seems to work OK, however when I use it on my
SmartPhone it does work (Error), however my old string does work, maybe its
just to long

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