Not sure how to classify my question



So I have no idea if this would be possible to automate in any way.
Basically what I want to do is I have a folder with a lot of image files.
I'm going to setup a page to be landscape and 2 column setup. The image will
go in the left column, there will be a column break, a heading, then a column
break and repeat for all the files. I realize since the heading will not be
consistent I will likely have to go in and do that part myself, but any
thoughts on a way to automate this process other then import all the images
and just run through insert one column break then keep hitting F4 as I go
down, which, doesn't take that long but I'm hoping there may be a better way.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, it sounds like you're inserting pictures and captions, so a two-column
table (not necessarily 2x2) seems like a reasonable approach: one cell for
the picture, the cell below (or above) for the caption.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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