not populating fields already input

  • Thread starter rsbutterfly16 via
  • Start date

rsbutterfly16 via

hi guys, i was wondering if you can help me, i have a form in access the code
is kind of big but i am only having a problem when adding a new record so
here is that part .

the problem is that when someone enters an account code that needs to be
added then it refreshes the form, and the fields where the account code was
already entered is blank. (Account _Code). so i have to enter it again. and
also it does not record the data entered in the ComboA, combob and comboC
please see if you can help

Private Sub cmdNew_Record_Click()


[Form_LOC Data Entry Form].Account_Code.SetFocus
'---------Account was not found, so it will be a new record.----------

strSQL = "SELECT PM_Contract_ID FROM dbo_Contracts "
Me.combo_contractquery.RowSource = strSQL 'new record set

'---------Add the query to the control source of Contract --------
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("qryLocateFEC", strSQL)

Me.cboStatus.Enabled = True
Me.combo_contractquery.Enabled = True
Me.ComboA.Enabled = True
Me.ComboB.Enabled = True
Me.ComboC.Enabled = True

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec 'add new Account

End If

thank you in advance


Being able to see only this small snippet of code,
try moving the DoCmd.GoToRecord to the line below the comment

'------------Account was not found, so it will be a new record.---------

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec 'add new Account

strSQL = "SELECT PM_Contract_ID FROM dbo_Contracts "
Me.combo_contractquery.RowSource = strSQL 'new record set



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