Not Genuine Anymore, what to do



Richard said:
Have you ever called a company for service, any company, and not been
happy with the outcome? Did you not call again to speak to another
person. People are human (except for some who post here - not
necessarily you) and have bad days. So you try again. It's a pain in the
*ss, but it happens all the time. I have had 3 instances myself this
year already from major corporations.

Tell me you (or your parents if you are too young to drive) have never
had a bad experience getting an automobile repaired where you had to
"elevate" your complaint.

Actually, my grandchild is too young to drive, but that is beside the
point. I may have had one or two complaints with service for my vehicles
over the years, but the difference that I see between the situation we
are discussing and automobile service, especially at a dealership, is
that the service is done "in house" vs being outsourced halfway around
the world. I can look a person in the eye if leveling a complaint. I
can't do that in the situation we are discussing.
Customer service, in general, has been relegated to the back burner - by
almost all large companies.

And, I know, it doesn't make it right.
You are correct, it is not right. Maybe we as consumers need to be more
discriminating in what we are willing to accept. I have no idea about
what ms or any other large company does in the way of managing the
outsourced concerns they employ, but at the very least:
1. the company that work is outsourced to should be held responsible to
and measured by standards that are set forth by whomever is doing the
2. even more so, an individual (free-lancer) that work is outsourced to
should be held responsible to and measured by standards that are set
forth by whomever is doing the hiring. A loose cannon can sink a ship as
easily or even more easily than a direct hit from the opposition.


I tried to ring a share registry last week and I couldn't find any human at
this phone number. I scrawled on the back of a letter they sent and sent it
back in their prepaid envelope.

Nina DiBoy

Alias said:
Damn it, Justin, would you stop that. I just sprayed coffee all over my
keyboard and monitor.



Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"DRM is not added to anything in Vista."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Delta Version

The pirate of course doesn't have to deal with these issues.

The only people really affected and struggling are the genuine

Another example proving software anti piracy measures do nothing but
cost the company time, money, and reputation.


Nina DiBoy said:

Wow! I didn’t know you knew Portal Structure Markup Language? Or do you
piss yourself often?

Anyway, like I was saying before these two trolls performed their usual
hijack... I wonder what percentage of legal owners attempt an activation
bypass because of issues like this? As well as the horrible upgrade
"re-installation" procedure?


First the holier than thou Justin crap:
Wow! I didn’t know you knew Portal Structure Markup Language? Or do
you piss yourself often?

Then the blanket insult, the ever handy troll card.
Anyway, like I was saying before these two trolls performed their usual
hijack... I wonder what percentage of legal owners attempt an activation
bypass because of issues like this? As well as the horrible upgrade
"re-installation" procedure?

Linux doesn't have that problem.



Alias said:
First the holier than thou Justin crap:
Asking about PMSL is holy? I think many would disagree with you!

Linux doesn't have that problem.

Um...someone must not have told you that Linux is open source. So why would
it ever have that problem? I think what you meant to respond with is
something along the lines of OSX (something you need to pay for) does not
have this problem. That at least would have been relevant.

Either way, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post. As usual. So
let's try that again:

I wonder what percentage of legal owners attempt an activation
bypass because of issues like this? As well as the horrible upgrade
"re-installation" procedure?


Justin said:
Asking about PMSL is holy? I think many would disagree with you!

Reading comprehension problems again, eh? I wrote "holier than thou".
Ask your grandmother what that means.
Um...someone must not have told you that Linux is open source. So why
would it ever have that problem?

It wouldn't.
I think what you meant to respond with
is something along the lines of OSX (something you need to pay for) does
not have this problem. That at least would have been relevant.

It doesn't have that problem either.
Either way, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post. As usual.
So let's try that again:

I wonder what percentage of legal owners attempt an activation
bypass because of issues like this? As well as the horrible upgrade
"re-installation" procedure?

Not enough. Happy?



Delta Version said:
The pirate of course doesn't have to deal with these issues.

The only people really affected and struggling are the genuine

Another example proving software anti piracy measures do nothing but
cost the company time, money, and reputation.

exactly, all these activation issues are the technical equivalent of being
dragged outta your car, thrown face first onto the hood and frisked.
yet its amazing how many here take this as being OK.
probably the same people who think the Patriot Act is OK too...


See i love the way Microsoft respond to these problems, THEY DONT!. Not a
single reply to this thread other than this one asking if i installed any
games. What a load of CRAP!.

I called microsoft back and they told me go to @#$% myself as they wern't
going to do anything. I spent a lot of money on the Ultimate version which
has now been turned into a nice coaster for my coffee cup.

I run an IT department for a company that has over 50 offices over the world
and you can bet that I won't be reccomending any upgrades to our microsoft
products, infact I think that I will suggest that we switch to opensource
products. That way we don't have to wrorry about activation and deactivation
because somebody decides to update a driver on their system.

Extremly pissed.

Martin J


Martin J said:
I called microsoft back and they told me go to @#$% myself as they wern't
going to do anything. I spent a lot of money on the Ultimate version which
has now been turned into a nice coaster for my coffee cup.

I find that very hard to believe. Others who have called MS have gotten the
problem resolved. I'm guessing they told you to go to hell? Again, very
unlikely. You need to call back and speak with someone else.


I talked to 5 differnent people each one of them not knowing the answer, i
was hung up on twice because of bad transfers. I was transfered back to one
of the people i orginaly spoke with. They told me there is nothing they can
do and my only option is to buy another license because somebody has used my

I didn't yell and scream at anybody, the first few poeple honestly didn't
know the answer and you can't blame them for that but what really gets to me
is you spend hundreds of dollars on this peice of software and you can't get
any help or a simple issue resolved.

I was told to post on these boards to see if anybody can help. If Microsoft
dosn't know the answer well who the hell does.



Im not going to bother fighting it anymore, it not woth my time or effort. I
will put the money i spent on Vista down to a bad mistake. I was warned by
friends that I would regret buying it but I didn't listen to them.

Linux (Ubuntu) is now on my system and running great without any crappy
activation and Im happy. Vista or any version of Windows will never be put on
my computer again. I have moved to open office and the plans i had to buy the
new office 2007 are not going to happen.


Martin J said:
I talked to 5 differnent people each one of them not knowing the answer, i
was hung up on twice because of bad transfers.

That I can believe. Poor customer service is a given.

They told me there is nothing they can
do and my only option is to buy another license because somebody has used

When you told that person NO! This happened right after I installed an
application they called you a liar? Then you demanded a manager?

There is an option to get you back on track. If you are legal then it
doesn't really mater if you use it or not. After all you have the product
and you have your receipt. However, the end result is a breach in the EULA.

But then again, if what you say it true then they breached it as well.

Google "paradox vista". Since MS failed you anyway then who cares right?

Stephan Rose

Martin said:
Im not going to bother fighting it anymore, it not woth my time or effort.
I will put the money i spent on Vista down to a bad mistake. I was warned
by friends that I would regret buying it but I didn't listen to them.

Linux (Ubuntu) is now on my system and running great without any crappy
activation and Im happy. Vista or any version of Windows will never be put
on my computer again. I have moved to open office and the plans i had to
buy the new office 2007 are not going to happen.

Congratulations. I am installing it to on my laptop right now, it may
actually become useful then (XP just runs way too slow on it for my

And then I am going to do a little experiment.

I am going to give my laptop to my mother for a week or so and have her use
mine instead of her XP laptop. Just to see how someone with very little
computer knowledge besides basic e-mail and web browsing can handle a
properly setup unbuntu install.

2003 Yamaha R6


Adam Albright

That I can believe. Poor customer service is a given.

When you told that person NO! This happened right after I installed an
application they called you a liar? Then you demanded a manager?

There is an option to get you back on track. If you are legal then it
doesn't really mater if you use it or not. After all you have the product
and you have your receipt. However, the end result is a breach in the EULA.

But then again, if what you say it true then they breached it as well.

Google "paradox vista". Since MS failed you anyway then who cares right?

Justin now plays attorney. Very Funny fella. Very, funny indeed.

For Martin:

Simple solution if you live in North America. Visit below Microsoft
site and follow the instructions. Be sure you photo copy your product
key before returning and also your store receipt and send copies of
the paperwork, keep the orignal paperwork. If you send by UPS you can
pay a small fee and get proof of delivery, not many people know that
UPS does that like the post office. Since you have a dispute over if
or not you have a legal copy I would take that extra step just in case
your return gets ignored.

While waiting for a refund, you can purchase another copy and try a
new key. In an extreme case assuming you purchased with a credit card
you can call your bank the credit card is issued on and dispute the
charges. They will send you form and remove the charges from your
account until the dispute is resolved. Often just the threat of
writing your bank is enough to put the fear of God in vendors that are
dragging their feet issuing refunds. They don't want to get black
listed by either Vista or Master Card.

Ignore clueless trolls like Justin. If you continue to use a copy that
Microsoft for whatever reason views as not genuine you will not be
able to apply online updates and at some future time the Microsoft
update servers that handle critical updates may invalidate your copy
all together so as usual Justin is just blowing smoke out his butt and
doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

Adam Albright

I talked to 5 differnent people each one of them not knowing the answer, i
was hung up on twice because of bad transfers. I was transfered back to one
of the people i orginaly spoke with. They told me there is nothing they can
do and my only option is to buy another license because somebody has used my

I didn't yell and scream at anybody, the first few poeple honestly didn't
know the answer and you can't blame them for that but what really gets to me
is you spend hundreds of dollars on this peice of software and you can't get
any help or a simple issue resolved.

I was told to post on these boards to see if anybody can help. If Microsoft
dosn't know the answer well who the hell does.

Try this:

For Martin:

Simple solution if you live in North America. Visit below Microsoft
site and follow the instructions. Be sure you photo copy your product
key before returning and also your store receipt and send copies of
the paperwork, keep the orignal paperwork. If you send by UPS you can
pay a small fee and get proof of delivery, not many people know that
UPS does that like the post office. Since you have a dispute over if
or not you have a legal copy I would take that extra step just in case
your return gets ignored.

While waiting for a refund, you can purchase another copy and try a
new key. In an extreme case assuming you purchased with a credit card
you can call your bank the credit card is issued on and dispute the
charges. They will send you form and remove the charges from your
account until the dispute is resolved. Often just the threat of
writing your bank is enough to put the fear of God in vendors that are
dragging their feet issuing refunds. They don't want to get black
listed by either Vista or Master Card.

Ignore clueless trolls like Justin. If you continue to use a copy that
Microsoft for whatever reason views as not genuine you will not be
able to apply online updates and at some future time the Microsoft
update servers that handle critical updates may invalidate your copy
all together so as usual Justin is just blowing smoke out his butt and
doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

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