Not able to reply to email, Create mail OK



I'm just started using Windows Mail in Vista. 2 accounts, one for me (Admin)
and one for wife. My email seems to be ok, her Windows mail account is
having problems replying to emails from some addresses. Creating a "fresh"
email to those addresses works fine. Replying to emails is hit-and-miss,
some get hung up in the outbox with the below error msg.

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Subject 'Re: This is one I keep coming back to.......', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

Gary VanderMolen

You can get some strange intermittent results when using a
non-compatible antivirus. Windows Mail is not compatible
with most McAfee or Norton security programs. Those will
need to be uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen

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