Norton Systemworks thinks I have NT 3.51



I have Windows 2000, and I recently downloaded a bunch of
updates, then notice that my Norton Systemworks 2001
wasn't keeping my disk optimized like it usually does. So
I tried to run Speed Disk, and I got an error telling me
Speed Disk won't work on NT 3.51. Why does it think I
have NT 3.51 all of a sudden? I recently downloaded
Service Pack 4, as well as IE6 patch 822925, Windows 2000
update 822831, Root Certificates Update, Directx End User
Runtime and Security Update for Microsoft Data Access
Components 823718. Would any of that confuse Norton? Is
there a fix for this?
Thanks in advance!


I have Windows 2000, and I recently downloaded a bunch of
updates, then notice that my Norton Systemworks 2001
wasn't keeping my disk optimized like it usually does. So
I tried to run Speed Disk, and I got an error telling me
Speed Disk won't work on NT 3.51. Why does it think I
have NT 3.51 all of a sudden? I recently downloaded
Service Pack 4, as well as IE6 patch 822925, Windows 2000
update 822831, Root Certificates Update, Directx End User
Runtime and Security Update for Microsoft Data Access
Components 823718. Would any of that confuse Norton? Is
there a fix for this?
Thanks in advance!

Win2K is built on the NT foundation..... ;0)

I get the same message on NSW 2002 & just ignore it. I have not seen a
fix yet, probably NSW 2004.........I still run spped disk & it's fine.


I think that NSW is indeed confused by the updates, and
you need to upgrade your norton product or check for fixes
with Symantec.

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