Normal? Light of removed flash drive does not go off



Is this normal for Vista?

I remove my flash drive from my Vista computer by going to the tray
and clicking the "safely remove" option. My thumb drive successfully
is removed but the light of the drive does not turn off.

Is this (turning off the light indicator) something that Vista no
longer does?
If not, can anyone tell me if there is a way to fix this?



I noticed the same thing. Don't know if it is "normal" but it hasn't caused
any damage for me yet. :)


Jack, I to have the same thing using SanDisk, when I first insataller vista
the light use to go off when I selected safly remove hardware from system
(for about three weeks) now it stays on and has been doing so for some time
now without any damage to the flash drive.

Dave R.

Jack said:
Is this normal for Vista?

I remove my flash drive from my Vista computer by going to the tray
and clicking the "safely remove" option. My thumb drive successfully
is removed but the light of the drive does not turn off.

Is this (turning off the light indicator) something that Vista no
longer does?
If not, can anyone tell me if there is a way to fix this?

I can't say if it is "normal", but I see the same behavior with all of
my USB flash drives under Vista. I've not come across anything that
makes it work like it did in XP yet.




Jack, I to have the same thing using SanDisk, when I first insataller vista
the light use to go off when I selected safly remove hardware from system
(for about three weeks) now it stays on and has been doing so for some time
now without any damage to the flash drive.

i have same prob, but havn't found ne soln to it yet. the only way to
have it turned off is by sending your computer to sleep mode after
safely remove hardware button.

havn t found anything on the internet as yet

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