Non-responsive system on boot....

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Morley
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John Morley

Hi all,

About 50% of the time that I boot my machine, the system is unresponsive
after starting up. The desktop appears normally, and I can move the
mouse, however, I can't open or run anything on the desktop (by
double-clicking), and when I hover over the taskbar, the cursor changes
to the hourglass. None of the Windows hot-keys are functional either.
The only 'out' is to cycle the power, and it usually comes up just fine,
and works great until the next boot up.

Any ideas?


John Morley said:
Hi all,

About 50% of the time that I boot my machine, the system is
unresponsive after starting up. The desktop appears normally, and I
can move the mouse, however, I can't open or run anything on the
desktop (by double-clicking), and when I hover over the taskbar, the
cursor changes to the hourglass. None of the Windows hot-keys are
functional either. The only 'out' is to cycle the power, and it
usually comes up just fine, and works great until the next boot up.

Have you tried booting in Safe Mode to see if this behavior happens
there? If you don't know how to do this then visit this page for

Report back and let us know how things went, and include some details
about your PC and the version of Windows you use for more specific help.