non-responsive programs-please help!!!



Could someone please advice me as to what to do when my programs become
non-responsive. I'm either in the middle of something which is when this
happens. I can be in internet explorer and I'm surfing, or filling out
applications, and all of a sudden this box comes up and says the program is
not responding and has to shut down, or would you like to send an error
report. Also when I'm using my Sony Stage it does the same thing. It will
say that the program is not responding and has to close. Are there any known
issues on this, and how can they be resolved. Fustrated in Texas. Thanks for
any help that you can give would be greatly appreciated.


Best Regards,


I am having the same problem and now can't access My
Documents, Windows Explorer, IE and any programs in
Windows XP except Help and Support. In safe mode I am
able to get to all of these applications.
Any help would be appreciated, going crazy with this.


I too have been having a simular problem since the day I bought my new computer with windows XP (home). I get stuck mostly when in windows explorer when I do a right click of the mouse or if I attempt to use the main menu bar at the top of the screen. If I want to rename or delate a file/folder whamo system hangs. This also happens when I go up the main menu bar in most of my applications but not all the time. Trying to figure out what actions lead to this is still eluding me. (so is my spelling)

The only thing I'v been able to do is the old (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) move to end task. Of course you will lose everything not saved in that application. Wish I could jump start the program right were it hung up with out having to launch the program.

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