No transport provider was available for delivery to this



Hi all. When i send out email via outlook 2000 i receive "No transport
provider was available for delivery to this recipient." However only when
sending to a few specific email address do i face such problems. I do not
have such problems when sending to other email addresses. Is this a outlook


inenewbl said:
Hi all. When i send out email via outlook 2000 i receive "No transport
provider was available for delivery to this recipient." However only
when sending to a few specific email address do i face such problems.
I do not have such problems when sending to other email addresses. Is
this a outlook problem?

have you already take a look on this side?


That usually means there is something wrong with how the address is typed-
like it has spaces or funny characters. Are you picking them off a list, or
clicking reply? If so, delete the address, and re-type it, see if that works.
BTW- some people think clicking on REPLY is a slam dunk, not so, the person
on the other end could have typed in this reply address, and it may be

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