No sound when loggin on as user


nesredep egrob

Something new. I had to use media player for a school play one of my
grandchildren was involved in. No sound.
I logged on as administrator to find out what was wrong and behold the piano
tune when windows starts up, missing then changing to user, so a clue.
Incidentally that is the clue. Administror sound was working in Media Player
Tried everything, persmission up the scratch and latest version downloaded.
If only I could get the change from administrator to user to play the short
piano melody, I should probably be right again.

I did try to change all users to Administrators (temp) but that did not help.

Incidentally I have several "Borge" users. One is plain and simple "Borge" and
not accesible
Additionally I have IUSR_blabla_Borge

Seems a bit much for a sole user

Please help me - sombody

B.Pedersen Latitude -31,48.21 Longitude115,47.40 Time=GMT+8.00
If you are curious look here

nesredep egrob

Sorry don't bother. Problem solved. Finally I went to the
Accessories/entertainment/Sound Recorder. Tried to play one of the tunes there
as a user - no sound.

Digging around that I found the Edit/AudioProperties displayed the sound set to
the front connection. Changed to rear and changed the setting for sound on the
Media Player - all is well. I can live with the excess of user names

B.Pedersen Latitude -31,48.21 Longitude115,47.40 Time=GMT+8.00
If you are curious look here

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