No java?


Ernie Lane

I just went to a local radio station's website to listen to a program being
streamed over the Internet. This was the first time I had done so with a
new Windows XP computer, and I was surprised to be told that I had to
download a Java runtime thing first. I thought Windows XP was pretty

Anyway, after being taken to a Microsoft site, which linked to Sun's, I
tried to download . . . but only got "Site does not exist" after selecting
the download page. Nothing works, not a link through their help or
anything, and even their contact page gives me the same "Site does not
exist" thing. Does this mean that I am not going to be able to run anything
that requires Java until the Microsoft-Sun thing is over?

Does anyone have the file that installs Java?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Free Software - Java Software for the desktop

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I just went to a local radio station's website to listen to a program being
| streamed over the Internet. This was the first time I had done so with a
| new Windows XP computer, and I was surprised to be told that I had to
| download a Java runtime thing first. I thought Windows XP was pretty
| complete.
| Anyway, after being taken to a Microsoft site, which linked to Sun's, I
| tried to download . . . but only got "Site does not exist" after selecting
| the download page. Nothing works, not a link through their help or
| anything, and even their contact page gives me the same "Site does not
| exist" thing. Does this mean that I am not going to be able to run anything
| that requires Java until the Microsoft-Sun thing is over?
| Does anyone have the file that installs Java?

Tim Slattery

Ernie Lane said:
I just went to a local radio station's website to listen to a program being
streamed over the Internet. This was the first time I had done so with a
new Windows XP computer, and I was surprised to be told that I had to
download a Java runtime thing first. I thought Windows XP was pretty

Microsoft lost a lawsuit filed against them by Sun, the originators of
Java, and as a result they no longer distribute a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). No matter, you can get the latest Sun JVM easily here:

Ernie Lane

That's the page I went to before and I get the "Site does not exist" when I
click to download. It still happens. What do you get? If it's different,
I'll look at why, and resolve _that_ issue.

Mike Kolitz

It would really just be better for people to start using the Sun JVM now,
rather than later. Since the Microsoft JVM will no longer be supported, or
even patchable after September of this year, the more people who start using
the Sun JVM the better (damn... I never thought I'd say something like

Mike Kolitz MCSE 2000
MS-MVP - Windows Setup and Deployment

Remember to check Windows Update often,
and apply the patches marked as Critical!

Protect your PC!

Ernie Lane

That link takes me to the same place as I tried. At least this time it
started to download, but crapped out half way through with a Server Error -
Java Installer: "The server has not found anything matching the requested
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)." I haven't the slightest idea what that
means, or whether that partial installation means now I am really messed up.
Can't Sun get it right?


I hope you get some responses here, cause I'm having the same problem
.. . . It's such a relief to know it's not just me.


Lemon Jelly

Mike Kolitz - typed:
It would really just be better for people to start using the Sun JVM
now, rather than later. Since the Microsoft JVM will no longer be
supported, or even patchable after September of this year, the more
people who start using the Sun JVM the better (damn... I never
thought I'd say something like that...).

Shame on you! I'll wait until September before I change, so thanks for
the reminder.

Tim Slattery

That link takes me to the same place as I tried. At least this time it
started to download, but crapped out half way through with a Server Error -
Java Installer: "The server has not found anything matching the requested
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)." I haven't the slightest idea what that
means, or whether that partial installation means now I am really messed up.
Can't Sun get it right?

Not today on that site, it seems. I assume they'll figure out the
problem eventually.


Good point. My only problem is that IMHO the MS java is just better. In
usual MS style, they stole a product and made it better. I think this is the
real reason sun sued them, cause ms made their product better. But anyway, I
digress, many sites are coded for the ms java and seem to work better with
the ms version rather than the sun version. Plus the sun version installs
all that other stuff that isn't needed and put an icon in the task tray,
etc... the java plugin should be invisible imo and suns is not. I have
experienced it first hand, that's why I got rid of the sun java and
reinstalled the ms(this was after a format). Those sites now work fine with
the ms java. I know it shouldn't make a difference, but it seems to me it
does. This is a tough one cause I have a hard time recommending products
that I believe to be less stable than another product. What to

Jim Byrd

Hi Ernie - You can test whether Java is working on your machine at the
sites: (both 1.0 and 1.1 and what's

and you can test Javascript here:

and check whether you have the MS VM installed and which version here:

There is good information concerning all aspects of the Java situation here:

Be aware, however, that after Sept. 30, 2004, MS will apparently no longer
be distributing Java or providing any support for Java including
security fixes. (It's unclear as to how 6/26/03 court decision will
affect this) See here:, and ,and more recently here:
so you
might want to start thinking about the future.

You can get the Sun Java J2SE RunTimes or SDK here: (all versions - select using
the dropdown)

Sun also offers an automatic download and install of the 1.4 Java
plug-in here:

For the MS Java VM, you may need to install v.3809 prior to upgrading
to v. 3810 if you didn't previous have MS Java v. 3805 or 3809

If your OS is Win2000 SP2, SP3 but NOT SP4 then you can download and
install the MS Java VM v. 3809 from here:
or here:

For Win2000 SP4, you'll need to re-install v.3805, from here:

For all other OS's:

Download and install the MS Java VM v. 3809 from one of the links here:, or here:,
or here:

Then upgrade to v. 3810:

For all OS's except Win2kSP4 obtain v. 3810 here: ,or here:

For Win2k - SP2, SP3 - you can also obtain v. 3810 from Microsoft here:

For Win2kSP4, to get 3810 from Microsoft you now have to get Q816093 from
Windows Update Catalog - use the entry for Windows 2000 SP4 (this seems to
be the only Win2k option that has it) and then find 816093 in the list. You
can find directions for using the Windows Update Catalog functions here:;EN-US;323166. (I am
informed by Torgeir Bakken, MVP, that if you rename the downloaded file from
here: to
msjavwu.exe it will then also work for SP4.)

Both Java VM's can co-exist on your machine quite nicely. Just select
which one you want to use in Tools|Internet Options|Advanced and restart
all IE browsers. Here, courtesy of Michel Gallant, MVP Security, is a
tiny utility which allows you to toggle and view status of your current
Java VM vendor associated with IE:

A note from Mitch Gallant:

"One note about the JVM Selector utility:
If/when you install a new version of Sun J2SE, you need to manually
select to have Sun JVM as default JVM for IE (in install), or after
via the JavaPlugin control panel. This generates the necessary win32
entries, which must be present for the utility to know about JavaPlugin.
After that, the utility should work properly."

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

As the result of a lawsuit by Sun Microsystems, and the ensuing
settlement, Microsoft is no longer allowed to provide its own Java
Virtual Machine to Windows users. You can get almost the same
functionality by downloading Sun's version of Java from If you want the broader
capabilities of Microsoft's Java Virtual Machine, it is still
available from a lot of 3rd-party web sites, some of which are listed

If you do choose the Microsoft JVM, be sure to visit Windows
Update to apply a needed security patch.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-011
(Prevents the Trojan.ByteVerify issue)

Bruce Chambers
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having both at once. -- RAH

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