no help.. argh.. login pause..spacebar cures



i have long 90 second pause to get to my desktop after signing in. I have
posted this lots of places and even here and nobody including mvp can help
me. I think i provide a lot of info in my posts and i am still having the
problem. Bootvis only shows a long delay in networking. I have 2 nic's. 1
is a shadow of my DSL modem and requires me to sign on to log on..blah.. the
other is set static with a 10.10.xx.xx address range. The lan works
flawlessly. I have no router, no firewall or anything. My real nic that is a
shadow of my dsl connection uses the dynamic ip assigned from

i can reproduce this problem now 3 times after install of my home edition
and for the life of my i don't know why i have this pause and when i press
spacebar it instantly loads the desktop... i see others with similar
problems but not the same i guess. so i am mr unique with a problem nobody
has.. hmm.


My wife has a amd system and no pause.. same lan, same connection method to
dsl service.

768mb ram
150gb @ ata100
dvd rom
dvd rw
windows xp home edition, all updated, nothing by clock

i do run AVG and "have" used the internal firewall of XP.


Tom said:
i have long 90 second pause to get to my desktop after signing in. I
have posted this lots of places and even here and nobody including mvp
can help me. I think i provide a lot of info in my posts and i am
still having the
problem. Bootvis only shows a long delay in networking. I have 2
nic's. 1 is a shadow of my DSL modem and requires me to sign on to log
on..blah.. the other is set static with a 10.10.xx.xx address range.
The lan works flawlessly. I have no router, no firewall or anything.
My real nic that is a shadow of my dsl connection uses the dynamic ip assigned from windows...

i can reproduce this problem now 3 times after install of my home
edition and for the life of my i don't know why i have this pause and
when i press spacebar it instantly loads the desktop... i see others
with similar problems but not the same i guess. so i am mr unique with
a problem nobody has.. hmm.


My wife has a amd system and no pause.. same lan, same connection
method to dsl service.

768mb ram
150gb @ ata100
dvd rom
dvd rw
windows xp home edition, all updated, nothing by clock

i do run AVG and "have" used the internal firewall of

Check the dns settings on your computer. The indicates that an
ip address is *not* being assigned, but that it is "backgrounding".



Hmm, not sure what you mean.. my actual adapter is set for DHCP and links
to the virtual connection of my DSL provider I guess that has the external
address. What IP would i set it to?



Tom said:
Hmm, not sure what you mean.. my actual adapter is set for DHCP and
links to the virtual connection of my DSL provider I guess that has
the external address. What IP would i set it to?


I don't know what you mean by "virtual adapter" and "shadow of your dsl
modem". This isn't normal networking terminology, and your setup isn't
clear. Are you using Windows ICS (which would explain the 2 nic's)?
Please describe your network setup better. If you are using 2 nic's and
ICS, there's nothing virtual about any of it. Are you using some sort
of proxy server? Normally, you have a gateway and a dns server, which
may or may not be the same. If you aren't using a router and doing nat
but have each computer assigned a static ip, you still need each
computer to know where to look for its dns. As I said, the fact that
you are getting a address means that you aren't getting proper
dns settings. That would certainly explain the delays. You should
probably check with your ISP for the correct network settings.
Otherwise post back with a better explanation of your network.



Hey..thanks for continuing to reply..

You are telling me to set an IP on my real adapter, which I have sort of
tried in the past but not really as a method to stop the pause, I will try
that tonite, but wouldn't this me a functionality bug in Windows?

{PPOE external}*
{3com ethernet,}*
bridge, 1394 connection(disabled), dlink (LAN 10.10.xx}

*PPOE is using these connections to connect me to my isp.

Hopefully this makes better sense



Tom said:
Hey..thanks for continuing to reply..

You are telling me to set an IP on my real adapter, which I have sort
of tried in the past but not really as a method to stop the pause, I
will try that tonite, but wouldn't this me a functionality bug in

{PPOE external}*
{3com ethernet,}*
bridge, 1394 connection(disabled), dlink (LAN 10.10.xx}

*PPOE is using these connections to connect me to my isp.

Hopefully this makes better sense

Hi, Tom. No, this post doesn't make better sense either. I'm happy to
keep helping you, but I continue to ask you about your network setup
and you continue to not answer me. So, here's what I need to know:

1. You have dsl (home version?) with a dsl modem. Give the details (usb,
ethernet, brand name) of the modem.

2. What is the name of your ISP? Do they have any sort of special
settings such as a proxy server?

3. How many computers are on your network? How is the network

3.a. Is one of the computers directly connected to the dsl modem via
ethernet? Does this computer act as a gateway to any other computers on
the network? Are you using the built-in Windows Internet Connection
Sharing (ICS) to do this?

Before we go any further with anything else, answer these questions.


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