No File List in "Save As"



I an running XP Professional and Office 2003. When I try to save Word
documents into existing folders (using "save as" function), often times the
list that gets populated in the pop-up box is incomplete. For example, I
will have a folder in Documents called "Client" and it has two subfolders
called "Client A" and "Client B", each containing some word documents. When
I try to "save as" a new document to subfolder Client B, the "save as"
function pulls up "Client" but will not show the subfolders CLient A and
Client B. This only happens with some of my folders - others will be listed
perfectly and show all subfolders and documents within the folder. I've
checked that I am asking it to list all documents and it's set appropriately.
Any ideas for me? Thank you very much.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Possibly the subfolders are hidden and you haven't enabled display of
hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer or My Computer?


Well, I think I know what you mean so I went to the main file folder "Client"
and looked at properties. There was nothing that indicated hidden. Is there
some other way I should be checking on whether I inadvertantly marked them as


Uusing Folder Options, under Tools, I just checked the View. The box is
checked to show hidden files. What now?


Found the problem. It was not what I thought but your comment helped me to
figure it out. I had two main folders by the same name and the "save as"
function was brining up the empty folder! Sorry for the bother. Problem was
my stupidity. Thanks for helping!

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