no drivers for fasttrak 376



I can't install vista because the installation cannot find any drivers for my
raid controller. The weird thing is that the Upgrade Advisor says driveres
for it exists but I need to install them manually. I guess what it means is
once you install vista you install the driveres from within windows.
Obviously that's impossible, so how can I make vista see the drivers when
installing windows?

In Win XP I would press F6 during setup and then have them the drivers read
of a floppy.

Zack Whittaker

Have you checked the manufacturers website or contacted them regarding
drivers for your device, or whether they'll support Vista in the near
future? You can report this to Microsoft via here:

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


I've gotten the installer to detect the disks on my Fasttrak 376. Here's how:

When you create your driver disk, put the contents of the "WinXP" folder
into the root of your floppy/USB key/Cd/whatever. It will detect.

It seems that setup is either ignoring the d4 line (the one that points to
XP drivers), or it's not using the txtsetup.oem file that normally lets a
driver disk work for multiple OS's.

Now, I'm going to start the setup and go to bed (it took a while to install
on the Raptor-equipped gaming demo at work, so I'm not gonna hold my breath
on the installer). I just wanted to post this, because I have been
frustrated by the lack of 376 support before (it's actually the ONLY reason I
have a floppy drive).

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