No display till login box? (and DVI Q)


T i m

Hi All

I recently replaced the 15" CRT running from my Sapphire Atlantic 9600
256m with a second hand Dell 17" TFT (1702FP).

When I first turned it on I saw no video (no BIOS / boot etc) and as
I was about to check the VGA lead was plugged in the XP login box
popped up?

Thinking it was something that had 'sorted itself out' I rebooted and
saw the exact same thing?

I have a manual KVM switch in the system but that seems to be working
(and it's not easy to pull it all out to bypass it for a 'quick test')
as another TFT works ok in the same configuration on this same PC?
(Also if I switch the KVM to another position the Dell TFT goes into
'self test' display as it would with the video lead dissconnected).

I have looked at the ATI display settings and yesterday even managed
to lock myself out of the machine playing with the 'Primary display'
(long shot).

What have I missed please ... ? ;-(

All the best ..

T i m

p.s. I am waiting on a mate to get me a DVI cable to do further tests
... is there a particular pinout for this combination or will any
DVD-DVI cable work please?


T said:
Hi All

I recently replaced the 15" CRT running from my Sapphire Atlantic 9600
256m with a second hand Dell 17" TFT (1702FP).

When I first turned it on I saw no video (no BIOS / boot etc) and as
I was about to check the VGA lead was plugged in the XP login box
popped up?

Thinking it was something that had 'sorted itself out' I rebooted and
saw the exact same thing?

I have a manual KVM switch in the system but that seems to be working
(and it's not easy to pull it all out to bypass it for a 'quick test')
as another TFT works ok in the same configuration on this same PC?
(Also if I switch the KVM to another position the Dell TFT goes into
'self test' display as it would with the video lead dissconnected).

I have looked at the ATI display settings and yesterday even managed
to lock myself out of the machine playing with the 'Primary display'
(long shot).

What have I missed please ... ? ;-(

All the best ..

T i m

p.s. I am waiting on a mate to get me a DVI cable to do further tests
.. is there a particular pinout for this combination or will any
DVD-DVI cable work please?

What happens when you use the old CRT monitor or did it die? Its likely
that the Dell won't run at the rate the computer initially starts with
since you say another TFT monitor does OK with the system or did I
misread your post?

Glenn Gundlach

T i m

What happens when you use the old CRT monitor or did it die?

That was fine Glen ... I simply took the CRT off (another old Dell
unit) and plugged the TFT and switched on?

Its likely
that the Dell won't run at the rate the computer initially starts with
since you say another TFT monitor does OK with the system or did I
misread your post?

It's piossible the the old CRT was only 15 and so I wouldn't have had
that set very high (res or refresh)?

And yes, I think that when I couldn't get a display on the Dell TFT
another smaller TFT (an old 12" CTX) would still display?

Update though. Last night my mate dropped in a couple of DVI leads and
I swapped from VGA to DVI and switched on. This time I see the entire
boot (BIOS) etc sequence? ;-)

I don't know if it's the card, not gone back now as I'm just happy
it's working .. just need to get the TV out back now .. ;-(

All the best ..

T i m

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