no compatiblity mode like xp in win7?


I Dig Weeds

Don't know if this is the place to ask, since I can't find a Windows7
newsgroup. Windows XP has a compatibility mode that allows some programs
developed for earlier versions of Windows to function. What I'm not
hearing is if Windows 7 has such a mode. All I'm hearing about is a
virtual compatibility mode that will be available only in the business
version of Windows7. Am I correct in saying that Windows 7 Home Ultimate
will not have any kind of compatibility features at all?

PA Bear [MS MVP]


I Dig Weeds

Thanks Bear!

PA Bear said:
XP Mode will be available in certain versions of Win7 running specific
hardware, Weed.

Coming Soon: Windows XP Mode and...

For now, Win7-specific forums include:

Windows 7 Beta Support Forum (technical)

Getting Ready for Win7 Forum (less technical)

Bruce Chambers

I said:
Don't know if this is the place to ask, since I can't find a Windows7
newsgroup. Windows XP has a compatibility mode that allows some programs
developed for earlier versions of Windows to function. What I'm not
hearing is if Windows 7 has such a mode. All I'm hearing about is a
virtual compatibility mode that will be available only in the business
version of Windows7. Am I correct in saying that Windows 7 Home Ultimate
will not have any kind of compatibility features at all?

Win7 has compatibility modes ranging from Win95 to Vista SP2.


Bruce Chambers

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