No active cell in read-only datagrid



George Shepherd's great Windows Forms FAQ has this article about creating a
datagrid with no active cell:

Unfortunately, this only works properly for datagrids that are not ReadOnly
(i.e. a row will become unhighlighted if you click the same cell twice).

Has anyone discovered a way to have a read-only datagrid with no active

- Don


My own solution to this problem was to use George Shepherd's solution, but
use it with an extended datagrid. My new datagrid looks like this:

Public Class DataGridEx

Inherits DataGrid

Protected Overrides Sub OnDataSourceChanged(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


' This prevents the 'add new' row from ever appearing! woohoo!

Dim cm As CurrencyManager =
CType(Me.BindingContext(Me.DataSource, _
Me.DataMember), CurrencyManager)

CType(cm.List, DataView).AllowNew = False

Catch ex As Exception

Console.WriteLine("ERROR in DataGridEx.OnDataSourceChanged - " &

End Try

End Sub

End Class

The code I put in the OnDataSourceChanged() method prevents the 'add new'
line from appearing in the datagrid. This way, I can leave the ReadOnly
property of the grid as "False" so that the "de-selection" bug with
Shepherd's solution doesn't occur. It seems to work fine for my purposes.

- Don

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