no 3d support in xp


Justin Diver

i have a real 3d starfighter 740 video card and i was
running windows 98 for the longest time. when i had 98 i
had full 3d support but now that i have upgraded to xp i
constantly get errors that i have no 3d equipment
installed. i checked the intel web page for the newest
drivers but all it says there is that the newest drivers
are included on the xp installation cd rom. if there is
anyone out there who can help me i really want to play
some of the new games that i got but i cant as of yet
since the machine thinks i dont have a 3d card. if there
is something that i dont know or if there are drivers out
there that i can not find plese let me know. thanks.


Chris Lanier

this only has 4MB or 8MB of memory, what 3d apps/games are
u trying to run? 4MB/8MB is not enough for MOST
apps/games that require 3d cards. u need atleast 16 for
older 3d apps, and atleast 64 for newest apps.

Justin Diver

true it has only 8mb however when i look at my dirrect x
configuration it says that there is no 3d hardware
installed. i know the game im trying it play is an older
one and it only requires 8mb card. this is a problem
that i have only run into since upgrading to xp so im not
sure if there is a problem with the driver or what. im
sure i will probably just have to get a new video card
but i would like to be able to get this one to work if i
could. thank you for all your help.


Lorne Smith

Drivers provided with XP only give basic functionality for most video cards.
To get more you need to get new drivers from the card manufacturers. If
they don't provide them, there's really not a lot you can do about it I'm


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