Next Invoice Number


Nick R.

Hello, I know that I have seen this on the group
but...Can anyone advise how to automate sequential
numbering on an invoice please? Excel 2002 in use.

Regards, Nick.

Bob Phillips


I responded to a similar question some time ago, but we went round in
circles a bit as I mis-anticipated how it would be used.

Could you give some details as to how you would anticipate using it?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Nick R.

Hi Bob, Very simply...insert first invoice number e.g.
123 and the next time you prepare an invoice the number
would update to 124 etc.

Regards, Nick.

Otto Moehrbach

Getting a number to increment is very easy to do. The problem Bob is
referring to relates to when to increment the number.
You can tie the incrementing to such things as:
Opening of the file
Before printing anything in the file
At selection of the invoice sheet
Upon entering something in some specific cell or column or row
Think about what would fit your operation better and post back. HTH Otto


I'm trying to auto increment the row number when adding a new row. Can you tell me how this would be accomplished?

Bob Phillips


That much I worked out<vbg>.

Sorry, I wasn't to clear. The issue revolves around how the invoice is
created, when to increment etc. Do you want to start from a template invoice
(this is tricky, as there is nowhere to store the number each time), or take
the last invoice and create anew from there, or have a invoice control
workbook that creates a new invoice, or something else? Do you want to
increment every time you save, on some other event, when you press a button

Before you can design a solution, you need to have worked out how the
business model operates, and design the solution around that.

Not trying to be awkward, just want to get there as quickly as possible.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Otto Moehrbach

I don't understand what you want to happen. Spell it out in detail
exactly what you want to happen. What do you want to see? HTH Otto
Margaret said:
I'm trying to auto increment the row number when adding a new row. Can you
tell me how this would be accomplished?

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