Newline in body text of e-mail message using mailto


Paul Bromley

I am using mailto to open the default e-mail program on the users machine
using the following function code snippet that I found on th web.:-

Public Function OpenEmail(ByVal EmailAddress As String, _
Optional ByVal Subject As String = "", Optional ByVal Body As String = "")
As Boolean
Dim bAns As Boolean = True
Dim sParams As String
sParams = EmailAddress
If LCase(Strings.Left(sParams, 7)) <> "mailto:" Then sParams = "mailto:" &
If Subject <> "" Then sParams = sParams & "?subject=" & Subject
If Body <> "" Then
sParams = sParams & IIf(Subject = "", "?", "&")
sParams = sParams & "body=" & Body
End If
bAns = False
End Try
Return bAns
End Function

All that I want to be abl to do is to place newline characters into the Body
area of the text. I thought that this would be simple, but nothing that I
have tried seems to work! Can anyone help please??

Many thanks

Paul Bromley

Jeff Johnson

All that I want to be abl to do is to place newline characters into the Body
area of the text. I thought that this would be simple, but nothing that I
have tried seems to work! Can anyone help please??


Cor Ligthert

Hi Paul,

Why not use this one.

\\\by Fergus Cooney & small correction Cor
'A reference to System.Web may be necessary
'in the Project for this Import to work.
Imports System.Web.HttpUtility
Public Sub StartDefaultMail (sTo As String, _
Optional sSubject As String = "", _
Optional sMessage As String = "")
sTo = UrlEncode (sTo)
sSubject = sSubject
sMessage = sMessage
Process.Start ("mailto:" & sTo & "?subject=" _
& sSubject & "&body=" & sMessage)
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox ("Couldn't start default email application" _
& vbCrLf & e.Message)
Throw New Exception ("Couldn't start default email app", e)
End Try
End Sub

(As Herfried tested is possible that sSubject = sSubject can be needed as
sSubject = UrlEncode(sSubject) the same with the sMessage that you have to
try yourself)

I hope this helps a little bit?


Paul Bromley

Excuse my ignorance Jeff, but does %0d%0a go in as part of a string??

Best wishes

Paul Bromley

Paul Bromley

Hi Cor,

sMessage = UrlEncode(sMessage) does work, but I now get + instead of a
space, which reading the documentation is correct. I also need to check what
else gets changed. I was hoping to use this to send details re ini files for
my application, and for sendin details of the PC spcifciation.

Best wishes

Paul Bromley

Paul Bromley

Thanks for that Jeff, should have tried it before asking. It is part of the
string. I have taken my sBodyText or whatever and done a replace on the text
replacing the relevant return characters with "%0d%0a" prior to calling
mailto. Many thanks for this.

Paul Bromley

Kevin Hodgson

I had the same issue you did (turning all spaces in the body to + signs) so
I just do a string.replace to turn the +'s into %20, which works fine for my
application, because I know there will never be a + sign in a valid email.
Private Sub CreateEmailMessage(ByVal Address As String, ByVal Subject As
String, ByVal Body As String)

Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo

Dim tempPath As String

psi.UseShellExecute = True

'kludge to fix UrlEncode turning all spaces into + signs.

tempPath = "mailto:" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Address) & "?subject=" &
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Subject) & "&body=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Body)

psi.FileName = tempPath.Replace("+", "%20")


End Sub

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