Newbie:please help me 'display' this on a simple .aspx page


Marlon Brown

I understand that store procedures are the recommended way to handle SQL
queries from an ASP application. However I am working on a small academic
assignment and I just need to get this over with. I created the store
procedure but now the teacher didn't accept that, as he is concerned he
would need to install the store procedure in Query Analyzer from his end.
Can you please clarify how I would be to do the following using a Select
Statement (VB.NET, ASP.NET 2.0):

Dim myNextPage
myNextPage = "ConfirmInput.aspx" 'On this page I put a label.Text there.

Dim myString
myString = "SELECT Employee From Pubs " _
& "WHERE job_id = " & TxtBox1.Text And
& "WHERE employee_name = " & TxtBox2.Text And
& "WHERE hire_date = " & TxtBox3.Text

'Now I want to:
If (TxtBox1.Text = job_id ) And (employee_name = TxtBox2.Text) And
(hire_date = TxtBox3.Text) Then
'Then on Next page I would like to display label.Text = "Your
information matched and I can go ahead to reset your password in AD..."
'However doing:
label.Text = "Your info matched and I can go ahead and reset your
password in AD..." ' This wouldn't work. Where do I need to put this
Label.Text ="..." ?

'Display on next page Label.Text = "The phrase(s) you typed didn't
match. Please click back button and resubmit info."
'If possible, I would like to display all phrases that did not match
in 'myNextPage', so that user would know which ones he didn't answer

End If

End Sub

Marlon Brown

Ok, if you can't show me the SQL part OK, but could you help me with on how
to display whatever variable I capture from the SQL query on .ASP.NET ?
I tried to use Response.Write(TextBox1.Text) but that didn't returned
satisfactory results. I understand I shouldn't use Response.Write and
therefore I attempted to create a Label1.Text to display whatever
information I got from SQL. The problem is that I do Label1.Text =
InfoFromSQL and that doesn't work either. It returns nothing on the

'Then on Next page I would like to display label.Text = "Your
'information matched and I can go ahead to reset your password in AD..."
' 'However doing:
' label.Text = "Your info matched and I can go ahead and reset your
' password in AD..." ' This wouldn't work. Where do I need to put this
' Label.Text ="..." ?

I am trying to

Lau Lei Cheong

Labels do not produce actual HTML control on the client-side so have no way
to postback to the server. I believe you can store you texts in Session

Session["yourmsg"] = "Your info matched and I can go ahead and reset your
password in AD..."

Then in the other page:
label.Text = CStr(Session["yourmsg"])

You may use Session variable to store anything, including ArrayList and
access it on other pages in the same session. Just rememeber to CType it
back when you retrieve it.

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