Newbie needs help


Alan Rose

Hi this is my first attempt to create an XPe image. I'm basically following
the MS tutorial "Building and Deploying a runtime image" I believe I have
followed the steps correctly but I am having trouble booting my image.

my second drive for tesating is my E drive and I have set parameters
accordingly. Upon booting I select to boot to Windows Embedded. FBA agent
starts and pops up a dialog "First Boot Agent" message installing
components. Just as it appears to be getting to the end the screen goes
black and next thing the PC has rebooted again and I am back to the usual
options of choosing which OS to boot. There's no error messages. Where do I
start to figure out what went wrong? Is there a log somewhere to help me.
Any suggestions I want I could try next. Thanks in advance.

I have an high end PC - XP Pro SP2 NVidia card running dual monitors

Alan Rose

Thank you so much guys for the tips and links. The fbalog file told me the e
drive was in fact being assigned as d:
Iv'e now successfully booted into my first XPe build :)
I'm quite impressed how MS have made the tools easy to use, there just
remains a lot of reading now to figure out how to tweak all the settings
etc. Thanks again.


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