Newbie! How to transfer from MiniDV to Computer. Help!



Hi, I have just bought a JVC Digital Mini DV and I have recorded some stuff
on it, I want to download or import or whatever the recorded stuff to my
computer to edit it, but I don't know how, nothing seems to work. I have a
USB connection and have connected that to the computer I also downloaded some
software that came with the camera called Imagemixer but I can't seem to get
it to transfer from the camera to the computer. When I switch the camera
from Video to Memory a F: drive comes up on the computer but it is empty, no
files? But the recorded images are on the tape in the video camera??? How
does this stuff work???


OK - I have now managed to work out that when I take a snapshot it records to
the memory card in the video camera and that will show on my computer but I
don't know how to get the images from the tape to the memory card or if I
need to??

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