Newbie Datagridview/Combo Box problem



Consider these tables:
Main Table - includes StatusID (showing StatusID, integer), Status which is
based on
Status Table - has StatusID, and Status (varchar)

StatusID is a primary key in Status table, while StatusID in the Main Table
is the Foreign key of the Status ID

How can I add a combobox, using a sProc to get a list of whatever is in the
Status Table
And then, SHOW the status (text), based on the StatusID?
(in, we have a value and a text property in the Dropdownlist to
accomplish this)

in the combobox - I set the DataPropertyName to StatusID (which is what the
DGV would bring back) and the DisplayMember to Status, but it errors out,
unless I set the DisplayMember to StatusID

I need it to show the text - Status - -
How can I accomplish this?

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